
Showing posts from February, 2024


 Three links  1.  The brush tool in the photoshop is a liable tool for applying strokes and colors on all images. All beginners can easily select the brush size and hardness making it accessible for various creative tasks and pictures.  Adobe Photoshop Tutorial: EVERY Tool in the ... - YouTube  › watch 2.You can access the clone stamp tool and this helps with duplicating and replicating areas of certain images. Workers can use this tool too replicate images with precision. It is useful for retouching and restoring images by crosses out imperfections and enhancing the visual to look its best.  Photoshop Tools for Beginners | Photoshop Icebreakers | Adobe 3. I found one other tool that really stuck out to seem to be useful. This is the crop tool and it helps with adjusting the framing of all images on the photoshop, all  begiginers can easily resize and trim photos by dragging the crop handles. The tool is essential refining the visual ae...

Self Portrait Propoganda

  Artist Statement- In this portrait here we have a picture of myself drawn out to look very serious. With the idea of what is going on in our world today regarding saving money on gas and the electricity we use on a daily basis. Gas prices have risen the past couple of years and there are positives and negatives to it but as a whole society if we can make the change to decrease the cost of both these by conserving it will make a big difference in our world.


Artist statement- The meaning of this image is pretty self explanatory. My goal after college is to serve and protect the community around me and that job is being a state trooper. I grew up with many family members in law enforcement and it is something I have a deep passion in. Constantly on the move and doing something new everyday is what is going to keep me going and stay busy.   A. Twenty years from now I will be working as a state trooper, serving the people around me and loved ones with a strong purpose. With that being said I will hopefully be married with a family living in the beautiful sunshine state of Florida. With the money I earn from my degree in criminal justice, I will use that to make my wife and possible kids happy with whatever need be. Using my knowledge from the police academy, I will be able to use all my skills to apply to taking in danger...

Why Artist Statement

      My art is created by personal experience and what my mind brings me to on what I enjoy the most and what brings joy to me. Any piece created has a strong meaning not just to me, but to the viewers who embrace what has been created. The idea of my pieces is to tell a story while also incorporating idea that I am involved with on a daily basis.      The drive that comes with making my art all comes down to doing the best possible work I can to impress the viewers and the ones who are invested in my pieces the most. If I am doing poorly, less success will come from that so I need perfection and that comes with time and commitment. Being this devoted to all my pieces created while being done with one hundred percent thought and care is the only way to create a outstanding piece of drawing.      People should care about my work because of the time and energy I put into making it look the best for them. There's always a story...